Give Your Ga Home Some TLC This Fall

Your home in Georgia should always get some TLC. It’s part of being a responsible homeowner. If you are not sure of what you should be doing before the fall months hit, there are some tips below.

Prep for the Cold Weather

The cold weather is going to be here before you know it. You can prep by making sure that caulk and weather stripping around your doors and windows is in good condition. Otherwise, you may want to take care of this so that cold air isn’t getting inside.

If you have cracks in your driveway, you may want to have these filled and sealed so that they don’t get bigger once the freezing temperatures hit them.

Save on Your Energy Bill

You should also be looking for ways to save on your energy bill. You don’t want to run your heater nonstop. Have the air-conditioning company come out and look at your heating system to make sure that it is functioning properly. You can also start to reverse your fans so that the warm air is distributed more effectively.

Schedule Inspections

A few inspections should be scheduled as you prepare to go into the fall months. This includes not only the air-conditioning company, but also the roofing company so that you can see if there are any loose or missing shingles.

Do Some Cleaning

Finally, you want to do a little bit of cleaning. This includes cleaning out your chimney if you have a fireplace, as well as cleaning of your gutter so that you don’t have to worry about an ice dam forming.

Contact agents at Peter Laczko Insurance today to learn more about home insurance. We can find quotes for your home in Lebanon, and ensure that you have coverage to enjoy peace of mind all year long.



Clear Out Clutter with a Garage Sale

There are few better ways to get rid of extra stuff that you have lying around than to hold a garage sale. Not only do you get to unload some things you no longer need, but you also earn some cash in the process. Have a few tips on how to clear out your clutter with a garage sale.

Clear Out Clutter

When holding a garage sale with the intent of clearing out some of your clutter, it’s important to remain focused on the main goal of the sale. While it’ll be nice to get some cash, the main purpose of the garage sale is to get rid of items you no longer need. To effectively do this, you should:

  • go through your entire house looking for things to sell
  • price everything low to maximize the chances of things selling
  • donate anything that doesn’t sell to a charity

The final tip, bringing donating items to a charity, is especially important. If you’re holding a garage sale to get rid of things, don’t bring any unsold items back into your home. Take them directly to the nearest charity in Woodstock, GA.

Update Your Home Inventory List

After your garage sale is over, you should update your home inventory list. We at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. recommend to all our clients that they maintain an accurate list of the personal belongings in their home. Having a list on hand can make filing home insurance claims easier, but it’s important that the list is up to date. Anything that sold during your garage sale should be stricken from your list.

If you have any questions about creating a home inventory list, feel free to contact us. Even if you don’t have an insurance policy with us, we’d be happy to help you make sure your personal belongings are protected by our homeowners insurance and that your home inventory list is accurate. To get in touch with us, send us a message online.



Summer Safety Tips For Your Pet

Lebanon, Georgia is a great place to live. Your pets probably enjoy living there, too. During the summer, it can heat up, and that means in order to keep your pets enjoying where they live, you want to focus on some safety tips.

One of the biggest tips out there is to never leave your pet inside of a parked car. As dogs pant, all of the hot air stays trapped inside the vehicle, and this can cause even more health problems. If you are going anywhere, it’s best to take your dog with you, or keep someone in the car with your dog so that the engine can continue to run.

You also want to make sure that your pets have constant access to water. Many dogs and cats will dehydrate during the summer because the temperatures are considerably hotter than they are throughout the rest of the year. You want to keep water available when they are inside, outside, and when traveling alongside of you.

Concrete and pavement can get very hot, and the paws of your pets are very sensitive. Purchase booties or adhesive paw pads to provide better protection as they walk along the concrete.

There are more bugs during the summer than any other season, and this means more fleas and ticks threatening your pet. Mosquitoes also transmit heartworm, which is a major pet killer. Make a trip to your vet in order to talk about preventative medication and get your pets on them immediately.

There are plenty of ways to enjoy the summer, but you need to practice safety with your pets at all times.

Call now and insurance agents at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. can help you find a policy that makes sense for you, your family, your pets, and your budget.


Teaching Your Teen to Drive the Safe Way

You taught him how to walk, how to swim, how to ride a bike, and now he’s much older and it’s time to teach him to drive. There’s no need to be nervous. Millions of teens each year get their licenses to drive and they go without getting involved in accidents. Just remember, the more practice your teen has, the better his driving skills will be. Here’s a quick look at a few other tips for teaching your teen to drive the safe way in Lebanon, GA.

Get off of your phone

When you’re driving, your teen is watching you. Watching how you turn on turning signals, how you switch lanes, and even how you use your cell phone. This is why it’s so important to put the cell phone down and not use it while behind the wheel of a car. You must lead by example, and this includes showing your teen that it’s not safe to use the phone while driving. 

Always use proper signals and seat belts

If you don’t use turning signals, your teen is going to notice. You need to ensure that you take heed to all traffic signs and that you use a turning signal and hazards anytime they are needed. In addition to using proper signals, you’ll want to lead by example by putting your seat belt on each time you get into a vehicle, regardless of whether or not you are driving. Seat belt statistics prove that they save lives. 

To learn more about the many ways you can teach your teen to drive the safe way, visit the Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. website today. 

Drowsy Driving: How To Avoid It

Drowsy driving is one of the most dangerous things that you can do. It is responsible for approximately 100,000 crashes every single year that are reported to the police – and it is estimated that thousands more go unreported. More than 50% of adult drivers have admitted that they have driven while drowsy, and it is not something that you should ever do.

If you fall asleep behind the wheel, you could veer into oncoming traffic, slam into the car behind you, run into wildlife, or even veer off the road. You never know what could happen, which is why it’s so dangerous.

There are several tips that you can follow to help avoid drowsy driving. Be sure that you get a full night’s sleep, ranging from 7 to 9 hours. If you are tired when you are getting into the car to drive yourself home, to work, or anywhere else, admit to yourself that you are not completely conscious. Call someone to come get you, even if it means paying for a taxi.

When you are doing long-distance driving, split the driving duties with someone else. You should also plan on taking a break every 100 miles or so in order to stretch and get your wits about you. If you are fighting the urge to fall asleep behind the wheel, pull off the highway. You can take a 20 minute nap at a rest stop or you can check into a hotel or motel for the night.

It’s best to be honest about your drowsiness as opposed to pushing yourself and getting into an accident.

Call us at Peter Laczko Insurance today to learn more about how to stay safe on the roads. We can provide you with crime insurance quotes and answer any questions that you have about becoming insured in Lebanon, GA.



BBQ In Your Backyard The Safe Way

If you are going to barbecue in the backyard of your Lebanon, GA home, there are some important safety tips that you want to follow. Without being safe, you could easily start a fire and your home could experience smoke or fire damage.

Whenever you are going to grill, be sure to moving out away from your home. It should be at least 20 feet away from the structure, and out from under any kind of hood, roof, or ceiling. You may also have to adhere to specific regulations within your community.

Clean the grill thoroughly before you use it. Using a wire grill brush can help to get access food and grease off so that you don’t experience smoke or any kind of flare-ups.

If you do experience a flare-up, the easiest way to address it is with a spray bottle filled with water. If the flare-up is more than you can handle, an extinguisher should be close by as well. It is also important for you to know how to use the extinguisher so that you don’t waste valuable time trying to figure it out.

It’s always important to stay alert when you are using a grill. It doesn’t matter whether it is charcoal or gas, there are open flames. This means you should never leave the grill unattended and always watch to see where young children are.

When you are done with the grill, allow everything to cool down before you put a cover on or before you attempt to clean out briquettes. If you are using gas, be sure to close the gas valve before putting the grill away.

Call us today at Peter Laczko Insurance so we can help you to find affordable homeowners insurance. We can answer questions, provide you with quotes from multiple companies, and much more.




Safety First: Tips for New Motorcycle Owners

After you purchase your first motorcycle it is understandably hard to avoid the urge to take off on a weekend long trip across Cherokee County. But before you head out for a bit of freedom on the open road, it is a good idea to go over some safety basics to help make sure the road is a safer place for everyone.

Put Safety First While Operating Your Motorcycle

When it comes to protection, nothing will have you and your bike covered better than comprehensive and affordable motorcycle insurance from your local independent insurance agents at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. Nobody knows Georgia motorcyclists better than out team of experienced independent agents. We make it easy to compare quotes from multiple national providers to find the right level of coverage to meet your needs and your budget.

After you find the right motorcycle policy to fit your needs it is important to take a rider’s course to ensure you’ll be able to handle your bike in any situation. Motorcycle safety courses are designed to help novice riders tackle the basics of motorcycle riding and handling in a fun and interactive environment. In some cases, once you have completed a motorcycle safety course your insurance provider may lower your premiums. 

Next, make sure you are riding with the proper gear. This means taking time to research the best in helmets, gloves, jackets, and riding boots. Keeping comfort in mind, consider purchasing a helmet that has been certified by the Department of Transportation. 

Start Comparing Quotes Today

Get the most out of your motorcycle insurance when you shop for coverage online with Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. Don’t get caught without the right level of coverage when you need it the most! Visit us today to start comparing quotes from top national providers online in just minutes.

Why a Local Insurance Broker is Better

There are many reasons why doing business locally in Canton, Georgia is important. When you conduct business locally you are helping our independent businesses. Taxes go to help improve our infrastructure and schools in the Cherokee County School District. You are supporting your neighbors and helping provide employment in the Canton area. There are ramifications to doing business locally and all of them are good.

Conducting business locally is not only important from a consumer standpoint, but for businesses as well. Business to business activity is every bit as important as encouraging local customers.

If you are comparing rates for commercial insurance, there are some additional good reasons to check locally. A local commercial insurance broker can help you better understand your coverage and make suggestions to fill in any gaps. They are more available for questions and in assisting with claims. They view protection as a whole as opposed to separate policies. They also understand the Canton area and its people and business needs. When you work with an independent insurance agency in Canton, the benefits continue to add up. Independent agents are not tied to a single insurance company. They are free to represent the products and services of multiple companies, finding the best coverage at the best price. In this instance, shopping locally for commercial insurance can actually save you money.

We invite you to contact us and compare. If you are interested in comparing auto or homeowners insurance you can do it from the convenience of any internet connection. We offer comparative quotes online from our website. We will quickly go to work in saving you money.

Individuals and businesses alike can make a positive impact in Canton by conducting more business locally. We encourage you to join us in doing so.

Making Commercial Insurance Easier to Understand

Georgia is home to multi-international companies, small home-based businesses and everything in between. If you are a business owner you have a common need for commercial insurance with other business owners in the state. It’s time to make that commercial insurance easier to understand.

Let’s put commercial or business insurance into broad categories to better understand how it works.

Product Liability – This protects manufacturers from claims against them as the result of injuries or damage from a product they created. Unless you are producing a product, this would not apply to you.

Professional Liability – Professionals who provide services may need this coverage. It covers what are referred to as “errors and omissions”. These can include malpractice and negligence and is valuable for professionals like doctors and financial advisors.

General Liability – Most businesses can use some form of general liability. It can protect against injuries occurring at your business but can also cover issues like slander and legal costs associated with a lawsuit.

Property – Commercial property insurance comes in Basic Form, which spells out the coverage, and Special Form, which covers general perils and then specifically spells out what it does not cover.

Home-Based Business Insurance – You shouldn’t count on homeowners insurance to cover a home-based business. You may need separate small business coverage or inquire if you can get a rider on your homeowners policy.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at Peter Laczko Insurance. We can help you better understand the difference between business insurance coverage and may even be able to save you money.

Visit our website to get a comparative quote on your homeowners or auto insurance from our website. When you see the savings, we hope you will ask us to quote your commercial insurance. We look forward to serving you.

I Received A Policy Increase: Now What?

Kennesaw, Georgia is a bustling city found within the metropolitan of Atlanta. It has a long history, which originated with the presence of a railroad. Today, there are many things to see and do and the economy is strong thanks to the many local businesses.

When you call Kennesaw home, you have to be cognizant of what you spend each year in homeowner’s insurance. If you receive a policy increase, there are things that you can do in order to reduce the costs.

The first thing to do is obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies. As independent agents, we can help with all of this. When you have multiple quotes in front of you, it’s possible to look at what each company is offering and find out if one has a better price.

The second thing to do is ensure the policy has all of the discounts that you qualify for. Such things include:

– Security system

– New locks

– Window film

– Organization affiliations

– Multiple policies with same company

You never know what you can receive a discount on unless you ask, so there’s no harm in making the inquiries. What you thought was standard may provide you with a substantial discount and that’s why we’re here. Our goal is to try and save you as much money as possible.

A policy increase isn’t the end of the world, especially if it’s only a small amount. However, if there’s any way of lowering the cost of the policy, you should at least make the attempt. Changing insurance companies has the potential to save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Call and talk to one of our agents today. We can help you get quotes for your homeowners insurance in Kennesaw so you don’t have to do all the work.