In Woodstock, GA: Does RV Insurance Cover the Theft of Items From Your RV?

Whether you live in Woodstock, GA or any of the nearby communities, the agents of Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. are available to help you learn the details about insuring your RV and making the most of your experience. Buying an RV is a major investment and can be quite rewarding if you are properly insured and able to protect yourself from financial loss. Many people who own RVs choose to live in them for a short amount of time each year. This means protecting your RV in much the same way as  your home.

Most RV insurance policies are designed to cover the same, main points as your other vehicles’ insurance policies, including collision, property damage, and personal injury liability. If you want to be fully protected, you will need to upgrade your policy to a comprehensive, full-coverage policy that covers everything from damage caused by fires and storms to theft and burglar. This will ensure that any damage caused by the vandals is prepared, as well as replacing any personal items that were stolen.

The agents of Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. serve the Woodstock, GA area and look forward to working with their clients. With their years of knowledge and experience, they can make sure you remain fully covered at all times and you are able to enjoy your RV experience no matter where you travel to. Our agents can write policies for small or large-sized RVs. If you live in your RV a few months out of the year, we will be able to make sure that your home away from home is just as secure as your primary residence.

What Happens If Your Boat is Damaged in a Hurricane and Also Causes Property Damage?

Boat owners know they need insurance to protect their boat and its passengers when it is out on the water. However, not all boat owners are aware of all the risks that come from a hurricane. Hurricanes not only can destroy boats that are docked, they can move a boat to destroy other property as well. It is important to make sure you have adequate coverage for the special risks caused by hurricanes.

When your boat is moored to a pier or dock and hurricane winds or a high tide comes up, suddenly the risk of damage can be very high.  You do not have to only worry about your boat in such weather, you also have to worry about what happens if your boat breaks free and causes property damage when it is suddenly let loose in an out of control condition.

Boat owners are responsible for property damages caused when a boat breaks free from its moorings and careens out of control. This is why it is important to make sure you have adequate insurance coverage. If a boat comes free from its moorings and floats inland to crash through the window pane glass of a beautiful home, destroying the living room; the boat owner has liability for the damages.

It is always a good idea for boat owners to consider all of the risks about what might happen in a major storm and have as much protection with boat insurance as possible to cover all the contingencies.

The old adage "Better to be safe than sorry," applies to boat insurance as well. This means having adequate coverage for boat insurance considers all the possible things that can go wrong and covers as much as possible. This is the wise way to deal with this issue.

Contact your agent at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA for boat insurance right now, before hurricane season starts.

How Motorcyclists Could Benefit from Roadside Assistance

Motorcyclists are just like drivers when it comes to insurance. They need a policy that protects them and other motorists on the road. At Peter Laczko Insurance Inc., serving Woodstock, GA and the surrounding area, you’re able to get a customized policy that suits your needs. Bike owners are even able to opt for roadside assistance that can help in the event something happens to your motorcycle.  

1. Motorcycle May Break Down

Whether you routinely maintenance your bike or not, it’s possible it will break down. This is especially the case if your bike is older. You could find yourself stuck alongside the road with a broke down bike and no way to get home. With roadside assistance, you might be able to get back up and running and on your way, if something happens to your bike.  

2. Accidents Happen

You might get into an accident while you’re riding. It could entail another motorized vehicle or just your motorcycle. If it’s just your bike and not a major accident, no emergency responders will show up. Roadside assistance will respond to you and quickly. They might be able to repair your bike enough that you can make it home and take it into the shop. If need be, they’re able to tow your bike to get it fixed.  

3. Expense to Tow Your Bike 

Keep in mind, if we can fix your motorized device on site, you won’t have to pay for the expense to tow your bike. You won’t have to try to find a ride home either, which can cost you. Plus, finding a way home can be stressful.  

Find a bike insurance policy with roadside assistance that’s tailored to your needs by contacting Peter Laczko Insurance Inc., serving Woodstock, GA and the surrounding area, by calling 678-833-2860 today. 

What Happens if I Move?

Anxious. Excited. Overwhelmed. All of these are emotions we might feel as we prepare to move. When we find out we are going to move we may have anxiety over what’s to come. Not knowing what will happen once we move can be hard to deal with. It can also be exciting as we anticipate about our future in a new place. As we get ready to leave our old familiar settings our to-do lists get longer and longer and we get overwhelmed. We may remember about that renters insurance policy at the last minute and wonder if it will still be valid once we move or what to do. Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. wants to help by providing some information so you can cross this task off of your list.

Will My Policy Still be Valid if I Move?

The same rules apply whether you are moving to a new home in Woodstock, GA or somewhere in the state. A lot of times your policy can travel with you if you stay within the state, but it may not if you move out of state or abroad. Every policy is different so it is best to check with your carrier. 

What Should I Do If I am Going to Move?

When you find out you are moving you should notify your insurance company and give them your new address. When you call about your renters insurance, make sure to get confirmation of the change. If they don’t tell you how it will come make sure to ask.  Before you hang up ask for a reference number and the name of the representative you talked to. Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. wants you to be well prepared as you get ready to move to a new place in Woodstock, GA or somewhere else.   

3 Things You Should Know About Commercial Insurance in Woodstock

A business in Woodstock, GA needs more than just great employees and fabulous service and products. Owners who take the time to get the best possible commercial insurance are the owners who can survive the unexpected. And make no mistake, the unexpected can happen to anyone at anytime. From storms to injuries to just plain bad luck, there are so many things that can happen to a company that could never be prevented. Instead of fearing it, Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. wants to help you be more prepared. 

Your Business Is Unique 

Commercial insurance can be customized to the specific threats of your business. For example, a strictly online retailer will have very different protection needs than a typical retail store will. 

You Need to Protect Your Income 

Insurance doesn’t just cover the repairs or replacements of damaged property or products. It also replaces the income that you would have made had your doors been able to stay open. For example, if it takes several weeks to repair your plumbing system after a major storm, you won’t have to worry about how much income you’ve lost. 

Cyber Crime Is Very Real 

Small businesses are extremely likely to be attacked either through hacking or through social phishing. Most owners don’t have security systems that can fend off the most advanced cyber criminals, so it’s extremely important to have protection against it.

Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. has been helping the owners of Woodstock, GA get the coverage they need when it comes to the right commercial insurance policy. We learn everything we can about what you do first. Give us a call if you’re looking to layer your protection, or if you’re just starting out with a new business.  

What Are The Essentials For RV Living?

Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. has compiled a list of the essentials for recreational living. For the sake of length and time, the musts for any RV life are grouped as follows:

  • The Kitchen:  Cookware, dishware, silverware, storage containers, cooking utensils, sandwich bags, garbage bags, baking soda, vinegar, seasonings, coffee/tea pot (or maker),  micro blender, mini chopper, foil, wax paper, mixing bowl, can opener and skewers.
  • Linens: Bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows), towels (bath, hand, kitchen, etc.), oven mitts, pot holders, and bath mat.
  • Miscellaneous: Fire extinguisher, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, dish soap, and toiletries (shaver, toothbrush, mouthwash, hair brush, shampoo, and conditioner), work gloves, rubber gloves (when emptying black and gray water), cleaning wipes, rags/shop towels, window cleaner, ant spray, moth balls or cedar chips, binoculars and playing cards.
  • Survival: Matches (waterproof), eye glass repair kit, umbrella, hats, road flares, bug spray, citronella, maps, GPS, compass, field guides, hunting knife, batteries, flashlight, solar charging system, roadside emergency reflective vest, fishing line, bottled water, water purification tablets, and a rain poncho.
  • Tools: Bungee cords, toolbox (including a hammer, nails, screws, soldering gun, wrench, socket set, wire cutters), duct tape, white hose (meant to use on refilling water tank), folding shovel, ax, caulk/caulking gun, and goggles.
  • Equipment: Tankless portable air compressor, bicycle, walkie-talkies, portable folding chairs and table, cordless drill, folding step stool, ladder, broom, dustpan, portable vacuum, digital AV adapter, extension cord, and hand saw
  • First-Aid: First-Aid kit (full size) plus aspirin, antacid, Benadryl, sunscreen, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus oil. 

Using cast iron cookware can be used inside, and out on the BBQ, but too many pieces can be less that kind with regards to the gas economy. All that is left to pack is food, clothing, recreational equipment and portable entertainment.  Two items often forgotten until needed are a sewing kit and hand-crank radio.

Long term living would tack on other items such as an iron and ironing board, and bringing along pets is another list.  

The most essential for RV living is to have proper insurance coverage, and Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. can help you there.

5 Reasons New Boat Owners Should Consider Purchasing A Boat Insurance Policy

People purchase boats for different reasons. Some buy a boat to go fishing and others buy boats for recreational purposes. Whatever the reason, boats are expensive. The best thing that you can do when you purchase a boat is to purchase boat insurance as well. There are several reasons that a boat insurance policy is necessary.

Boat Protection

If your boat is stolen, if it is involved in an accident, or if its contents are damaged, your boat insurance will cover it. A boat is a very expensive investment, therefore, you will need insurance just in case something happens.

Insurance is Required in Some Areas

There are certain areas on the water where you would be required to have boat insurance. Many waterways require you to have boat insurance to pass through and many marinas require that you have insurance to keep your boat there or launch your boat from one of their docks.

Winter Months are Dangerous

Many people who keep their boats at a marina for the winter believe that there is no need to carry insurance during these months. This is not the case. Winter is the time when the most fires, thefts, and floods occur on boats. Also, most of the claims that are filed for vandalism are done so in the summer. It is important to keep your boat protected all year long.

Not All Boater Have Insurance

It is important to have boat insurance because many boaters don’t. If another boat collides with yours and they don’t have insurance, you will want to have your own insurance to cover the damage.

Avoid a Lawsuit

If you cause a boat accident and you don’t have insurance, you could be looking at a very expensive lawsuit. Between the damage to the other boat and any injuries to your passengers and the passengers on the other boat, you could end up owing a great deal of money if you aren’t insured.

If you live in the Woodstock, GA area, and would like to get more information regarding boat insurance quotes and coverage, you should contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc.

How To Plan A Motorcycle Road Trip

There are all sorts of places you can go by motorcycle and it can be exciting to plan. You can choose to stay within the state of Georgia or go anywhere else in the country. In order to plan your road trip, there are a few things to consider.

Are you driving the whole time?

You don’t have to drive the entire time, so this is something to consider. They make various tow packages so you can drive to your destination and then jump onto your motorcycle. If you are concerned with a long distance trip or don’t want to put a lot of miles onto the bike, this may be a consideration.

Find a group.

There may be a local motorcycle group where you plan on going, whether it’s a national park, the Grand Canyon, or New England. Get in touch with them to see what advice they can give you. It may be a way to make new friends and have some people to ride with.

Get your bike serviced.

Allow time for your bike to go into the garage for servicing before you take off on your road trip. This can ensure your oil is changed and your filter is cleaned. Listen to the mechanic in terms of their recommendations to prepare for your trip.

Map it all out.

Don’t start your trip until you have mapped out everywhere you are going. Identify the roads you will take, the gas stations that are along the way, and where you plan on stopping each night. This will ensure you don’t run into problems once on your way, especially if you lose cell signal at any point, which could happen.

Call us at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. today to get help finding the right motorcycle insurance policy in Woodstock, Georgia.



What Happens to Companies that Don’t Insure their Vehicles?

Imagine this: you are driving your commercial vehicle to your next project location, when suddenly the inclement weather becomes too intense. You lose control of your vehicle, sliding into the car in the lane next to you. No matter who is considered at fault, you are then expected to present your proof of auto insurance to the other driver. If your commercial vehicle does not have insurance, the situation becomes much more complicated.

Commercial Auto Insurance in California

In California, all commercial vehicles are required to have insurance, and the driver must be able to present proof of financial responsibility for accidents they are liable for. For passenger vehicles, a certain amount of liability insurance is required based on how many passengers the auto can hold. Overall, this type of insurance is much like personal auto insurance except that it is much more specialized.

The Consequences

One of the most likely consequences for uninsured vehicles in Georgiais a suspended registration. The Department of Motor Vehicles will be notified that your insurance policy has been cancelled or does not exist. If no replacement is submitted within 45 days or a driver has provided false evidence of insurance, vehicle registration is cancelled. Driving with suspended registration can result in citations, fines, and possibly vehicle impound.

If a driver of a company vehicle is involved in a collision, the company or driver may be held personally liable for all damages incurred. Driving without insurance is financially very risky.

Obtaining Commercial Auto Insurance

Finding the right commercial auto insurance can be as simple as visiting the website of the agency you want to work with. In Georgia, insurance rates for commercial vehicles are based on the type of vehicle and its weight. If you have questions about commercial auto insurance, speaking with a licensed insurance broker at  Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. may be helpful.


Protecting and Insuring Your Home from Earthquake Disasters

Though earthquakes in Georgia are relatively rare, they do occur.  Even without distinct active faults, the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences cites that about 15 percent of the earthquakes that occur happen in areas like Georgia.  Homeowners face significant damage to their property during an earthquake.  The northwest, central and west central counties of Georgia are considered to be areas of greatest risk. 

Before disaster strikes, homeowners can protect their home and property with earthquake insurance.  Insurance can’t prevent the disaster from happening but it can help significantly with the recovery process.  The key is to discuss whether earthquake insurance is right for your situation.  Your agent at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. serving Woodstock, GA can talk with you about the variety of options that are available.   In addition to reviewing insurance options, homeowners should take the time to inventory and photograph their property and belongings.  This can save time and ensure proper documentation should the unthinkable occur. 

If your home is damaged during an earthquake, be sure to file a claim quickly with the necessary documentation and photographs.  Some policies will provide additional living expenses for policy holders whose home is significantly damaged and deemed uninhabitable. Your agent will discuss what the earthquake policy covers and what levels of coverage are appropriate for your circumstances. 

The agents at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc are ready to help you get the coverage that you need.  They will provide you with information about the available coverage options and work within your budget to get you the coverage that meets your needs.  Disasters can occur when they are least expected.  Call the home insurance experts at Peter Laczko Insurance at 888-883-1650 or visit to get started.