When is Commercial Insurance Necessary?

If you are a business owner in the Woodstock, GA area, you will find that there are many important business decisions that need to be made. One very important decision you will have to make is whether or not to get commercial insurance. There are several situations in which having commercial insurance is a necessity.

You Have a Loan

One situation in which you may be required to carry commercial insurance is if you have a business loan. Taking out a business loan and be a very good financial decision for many business owners. However, when you do have a business loan, you will be required to carry commercial insurance and name the lender as an additional insured party. 

When You Have Employees

Another situation in which having commercial insurance is a necessity for your business is if you employ people. In the state of Georgia, all companies that have more than three regular employees are required to carry workers compensation coverage. This type of insurance will help to ensure that your employees are properly covered in the event they are injured while working.

Operate Out of a Property

If you operate out of a property, you also need to carry property insurance as a form of commercial insurance. Even if you are the tenant on the property, you will likely be required under the lease to carry coverage on the building. This will provide you with protection if the building is damaged.

If you are a business owner in the Woodstock, GA area, you should contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. When you meet with Peter Laczko Insurance Inc, you can receive more information about your needs for commercial insurance. The company will help to make sure that you get a policy that provides you with the right type and level of coverage.


Do I Have to Purchase RV Insurance If I’m Renting an RV?

Renting or leasing an RV is the most cost-effective way to take a road trip, especially if you only get to do it once every year or so. When you decide to take off on this type of adventure, you need to have the right type of insurance to make sure you and your family have the protection you need. In Woodstock, GA, the agents of Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. can help you accomplish that goal. 

The Rental or Lease Agreement

In most cases, when you lease or rent a recreational vehicle for a getaway weekend or vacation you are offered to purchase insurance as part of the agreement. You can also choose to purchase the insurance through your own insurance company. Most companies require some degree of coverage over and above what you carry as part of your regular auto or vehicle insurance. Recreational vehicle insurance is slightly different and must be added separately.

Additional Coverage

If you choose to purchase the insurance from the leasing agency, it will only cover the vehicle itself. It’s a good idea to look into additional coverage through your personal agent to make sure your own belongings are covered as well.

Residents who live in the Woodstock, GA can call the agents of Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. if they have questions about RV insurance or what they need to do if they lease an RV. Agents can provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision. If you plan on having a fun vacation, you don’t want to worry about mishaps that could cost you financially. Call the agency today to find out about recreational vehicle insurance and how it can protect you.

Golf Cart Insurance in from Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA

If you rely on a golf cart to get around your neighborhood in Woodstock, GA, you don’t have to register it at the DMV. However, it’s important to make sure you have the coverage you need while operating your gold cart. Consider what coverage would benefit you regarding your golf cart. If you just drive from one green to another, you might not think you need golf cart insurance. However, every time you transport other people, you open yourself to liability.

Who Should Get Golf Cart Insurance?

If you rely on your golf court as a primary means of transportation around your gated community or retirement park, you should seriously think about getting this coverage.

Whether you drive on the cart on the green or on the roadways, proper coverage is essential to protect your valuable asset. You can’t depend on your homeowner’s insurance to cover you if you leave your property. Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. representatives can help you determine whether your homeowner’s policy covers your golf cart at all.

What is covered?

A golf cart policy includes the following coverage:

  • Property damage
  • Bodily injury
  • Collision and comprehensive

This insurance covers the cost to replace or repair damage to your cart in incidents. If you cause an accident, the policy may cover expenses and injuries to another person and their property.

Having a golf cart can be a great asset for those who tire easily, have limited mobility or cannot walk long distances. Don’t give up your golf game. Contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA to set up an appointment for a quote today.

I Only Use My RV Once a Year. Do I Really Need RV Insurance?

You and your family enjoy spending time camping in the Woodstock, GA area. It’s your time to spend some quality time in nature. Once a year, you load all of your supplies into the RV and hit the road for a little adventure. The rest of the year, that RV sits beside the garage on your property. So, you may wonder if you really need to insure the RV if you only use it once a year. The answer is yes!  While your RV may have some protection under your homeowner’s policy while it is parked on your property, it is not covered once it is on the road.  The agents at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. can talk with you about RV insurance policies that fit your travel style.

As an RV is your ‘home away from home’ when you are on the road, there are several things to consider when looking at RV insurance policies. You should consider including total loss replacement should the RV be damaged beyond repair. This is particularly important is the RV is less than five years old. You will also want to have coverage for all of the RV’s contents. Some policies also have provisions for emergency funds for housing and meals should there be an accident that renders the RV uninhabitable. While liability coverage is required by law, you may consider the amount of coverage a policy provides as RVs are large vehicles. Also, talk with your agent about the possibility of temporarily suspending portions of the policy when the RV is not on the road. This saves some money over time. The agents at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. understand the needs of RV owners in the Woodstock, GA area. Call today!

Workers Compensation Codes & Why They Matter

As a business with employees in Woodstock, GA you know you have to provide workers compensation coverage. This is not unique to just your company; it’s a general legal requirement in most states on businesses with part-time or full-time employees. However, the cost of a workers compensation plan is dependent on how many and the type of employees you have, and that can change dramatically over time. If one just compares what the employee roster looked like when the business was a startup, so when it turned into a small or medium-sized business, the difference can be dramatic both in numbers as well as the type of work people are performing.

Workers compensation premiums for Woodstock, GA businesses are originally set up as estimates for the year based on payroll, but instead of just a simple formula the figure is calculated by looking at the current employee body, what work they perform, and how many people fit into a given workers compensation code. A code represents the industry calculated risk for a given work function. So, obviously, the code for a construction worker or security guard is going to be a different risk valuation than for an accountant due to the nature of the job. How these codes add up for your business then influences the cost of your worker’s compensation plan premium paid for the year. A subsequent insurance provider audit then follows up and confirms the codes are correct because providers are also aware of employee rosters change over time as well.

As a business, you can ensure your codes are applied accurately from the start versus just a guess, which is common in the startup phase. And that could impact your premium significantly. The expert staff at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. can walk your business through the code assessment process to fully understand how it works as well as to secure a plan that reflects your business properly. Give Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. a call today!

Home owners transition basics

In today’s life transitions, people no longer stay in one family home for generations. Often people will live and own several houses of different sizes, in different areas of the country during their lives. Transitioning you should know a few basics so a new place to live doesn’t dazzle you and then surprise you with costs you don’t anticipate.

Be aware of your paper trail

  • Know your credit rating: This can make a difference in your insurance premium.
  • Check your any home insurance claims that you might have filed.  Your agent can look at various sites for you and determine how it will affect future insurance.
  • Renters insurance It can be important to have a history of insurance when you are buying.

Things to look for

  • Construction of the house:  Look at the location of where you want to move, it may come with hidden problems like flooding hurricanes or weather.
  • Age of the house: Older homes sometimes have features that are costly to deal with repairs. These replacements may raise the cost of insurance.  
  • Current codes: The age of the house and updates may indicate whether or not it’s up to code. This may affect insurance rates.
  • Mechanical systems and safety devices:  Plumbing, electric, HVAC, as well as smoke, fire and burglar alarms all wear out in time. Recent upgrades make for a safer home and minimize insurance.
  • Pool, wood burning stove: Wonderful to have, but you will need higher property and liability.
  • Fire department: Little known is that if a home is located near a fire station and a hydrant close by have reduced insurance. Also, there’s a bonus for a professional rather fire department.
Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. serving Woodstock, GA can help you find the insurance you need.


: Is you RV fully covered? Why you need more than regular auto insurance to protect your RV

Nothing is quite as exciting as taking your RV on a cross-country trip or extended tour. Before you go, make sure that your RV is fully covered. Auto insurance doesn’t provide adequate coverage for this valuable asset. Ask an agent at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA what RV insurance options might work for you and your family. In the meantime, here is some information to get you started.

Tips on Purchasing RV Insurance

Recreational vehicles are extremely valuable. Don’t take a huge financial hit due to a lack of planning. Get insurance now so that you can drive anywhere in the country and rest assured that your on-the-go home is covered. Buy the best protection you can get within your budget.


Just like auto insurance, RV insurance has different coverage options for various risks. Fortunately, most of them are an option so that you can pick and choose the ones that you need. Work with your The Sanford Group agent to customize your RV policy.

Here is an overview of the types of RV insurance available: 

  • Liability insurance protects you from the cost associated with bodily injury and property damages resulting from an accident that was your fault. It’s required by most states.
  • Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to the RV caused by non-collision incidents. This includes theft and fire damage.
  • Collision insurance pays for collision damage when you have to replace or repair your RV.
  • Vacation liability is similar to RV liability insurance. It only covers you if someone gets hurt on your property or has their property damaged. 
  • Roadside assistance helps you cover the costs of expenses if your RV breaks down.

Contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. agent in Woodstock, GA for more information on how to purchase RV insurance. Call today to set up an appointment for a free quote.



Is Boat Insurance Required In Woodstock, Georgia?

Boating is a very popular sport in the United States. Some boaters simply love the peacefulness of sailing. Others love boats that are built for speed. Boats are powerful, and the use of a boat brings with it certain responsibilities.

Are there boating laws in Georgia?

Georgia, like most states, has rules and regulations regarding the responsible operation of boats. For example, in Georgia, you must be at least 12 years old to operate a boat of any kind. This includes a small fishing boat. Further, if you are between the age of 12 and 16 years of age, you are required by law to obtain a Boating Safety Certification.

It does not matter if you are a citizen of Georgia or a different state entirely. If you are between 12 and 16 years old, you but be certified to operate a boat in the state of Georgia.

Moral responsibilities

People who use the waters in Georgia for boating and water sports are expected to behave responsibly. Drinking alcohol while operating a boat is not only irresponsible, it is foolish. If you are in doubt of how foolish it is, contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. for insurance coverage in Woodstock, GA.

People often drive too fast and beyond their experience level. They get too close to other boaters or fail to see swimmers or skiers. The simple fact is, people are seriously injured and/or killed every day in boating accidents.

Is boating insurance required in Georgia?

The law does not require a boat-owner to carry boat insurance. There are times when homeowners insurance may cover the theft of a boat on your property but even that is not an “always case.”

However, if you are responsible for causing someone to be injured or killed due to your negligence or deliberate indifference, you can bet that they will sue you for damages and it can get very costly, very quickly.

A boat accident can happen so fast that it is often hard to determine what happened. Georgia has specific laws that tell you when and where you must report a boating accident.

Before you get behind the wheel of a boat and set off for an exciting day, be smart. In Woodstock, GA, contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. and educate yourself on what you should do to protect yourself and those you love.


Motorcycle insurance coverage options

Motorcycle insurance pays to repair or replace your motorcycle after an accident, damage or theft. The policy also meets your medical costs after an accident and handles your litigation fee if you are sued after an accident. At Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. we write motorcycle insurance in Woodstock, GA. 

Here are our motorcycle insurance coverage options;
Comprehensive coverage
This coverage option meets your motorcycle repair expenses after an accident. Also, it meets the replacement cost of your motorcycle if it is stolen or damaged by covered perils. 

Liability Insurance
Liability insurance pays your litigation fee if you are sued for damages by a complainant.  If the court finds you liable for damages, the coverage option steps in to pay your due damages. 

Personal Injury coverage
Medical expenses after an accident can be overwhelming to most people. This coverage option eases this financial burden by paying your medical expenses. Regardless of who is at fault, the coverage option will settle your bills. 

Collision Coverage
A collision could damage a third party’s motorcycle or vehicle. The coverage option pays to repair the other party’s vehicle or motorcycle regardless of who was at fault during the incident. 

Get Motorcycle Insurance in Woodstock, GA.
If you own a motorcycle, it is advisable that you take up a motorcycle insurance coverage for it. At Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. we offer reliable motorcycle coverage solutions to our clients. Our limits are set based on the local insurance needs; as such, you can be sure that our coverage will be ideal for you. Let us cover your motorcycle today; contact us and speak to one of our agents about your potential motorcycle cover. Visit our website for a free estimate of your policy; also, feel free to browse the site for other insurance policies. 

Do You Really Need Golf Car Insurance?

If you use your golf cart extensively on the green or within your Woodstock, GA community, you may want to consider golf cart insurance. Golf cart insurance offers you liability, theft and property damage protection in the event of an accident. By consulting with an agent from Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. you can get a better idea if golf cart insurance would be beneficial for you.

Basic Coverage

If you do decide on golf cart insurance, basic coverage could include liability coverage for property damage and injuries, comprehensive coverage and collision insurance.

Liability insurance will pay for injuries and damages to others in an accident you cause. If you accidentally run into a pedestrian or bike rider while driving your cart in the community, your liability coverage will cover medical and property damage costs.

Collision coverage will help pay for damages to your golf cart if you collide into a car, tree, house, etc., so you don’t have to cover the whole expense out of pocket. If your cart’s stolen or suffers damage from inclement weather, your comprehensive coverage will help pay for the cost of replacement or repairs. 

Are Golf Carts Covered Under Home or Auto Insurance?

For the most part, home and car insurance policies aren’t designed to cover golf cart usage. By reviewing your home and auto policies with your agent, you can see what these policies have to offer in regards to protecting your cart. If these policies offer little or no protection, you have several options. You can obtain an endorsement on your home or auto policy to cover your golf cart or you can purchase a separate insurance policy to protect this item.  

To learn more about the benefits of golf cart insurance, coverage options and cost, contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA.